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2 Day Event
UECA Assessment Symposium 2019
Brisbane, 13-14 July

University English Centres Australia (UECA) and The University of Queensland's Institute of Continuing & TESOL Education (ICTE) present the 2019 Assessment Symposium.

The Assessment Symposium is supported by the English Australia Assessment SIG and aims to bring together ELT professionals in order to share best practice in English Language Assessment and provide quality opportunities for learning.

The host institution is the University of Queensland's Institute of Continuing & TESOL Education (ICTE)

Day 1: Saturday, 13 July – Assessment Symposium

This full day event features a range of concurrent speakers presenting on different aspects of English language assessment.



Time Events
8:30 - 9:15
(45 mins)

Coffee/Tea served

Room: Level 2 Foyer – Sir Llew Edwards Building #14

9:15 - 9:30
(15 mins)

Acknowledgement of Country
Welcome: UECA and UQ-ICTE
Room: 212 Auditorium

Video - Meet the Presenter


Assessment Development & Validation
Assessing Productive Skills
Assessing Receptive Skills
Types of Assessment
Other Topics


212 Auditorium



Session 1
9:40 - 10:20
(40 mins)

Session 1A

Putting the horse before the cart: Writing specifications for General English tests

Megan Yucel

Download Presentation

Video - Meet the Presenter

Session 1B

Benchmarking EAP Written Assessment with the CEFR

Thomas Roche
Southern Cross University

Download Presentation

Video - Full Presentation

Video - Meet the Presenter

Session 1C

Course reflective listening assessments

Jarrod Tebb

View Presentation (Tablet)

Video - Meet the Presenter

Session 1D

Student Self-Assessment and 21st Century Skills

Ana Bratkovic

Video - Meet the Presenter

10:20 - 10:50
(30 mins)

Morning Tea
Level 2 Outdoor Atrium

Session 2
10:50 - 11:30
(40 mins)

Session 2A

Perfect Match: Writing 'Matching' Type Items for Listening Assessment

Vicki Bos

Session 2B

TEQSA – Meeting the ELICOS 2018 Standards for Direct Entry programs

Q&A Session
Please submit your questions here.

Gary Brook
Director, Assessment and Investigations Group TEQSA

Session 2C

Implementing TBLA

Denise Flipo
RMIT Training

Download Presentation

Session 2D

Assessing Writing: Is the ship watertight?

Philip Godber
UTS Insearch

Download Presentation

Video - Full Presentation

Video - Meet the Presenter

Session 3
11.35 - 12:25
(50 mins)

Sponsored by Pearson

Featured Speaker – Pauline Cullen

The Inconvenient Truth about Test Writing

Room: 212 Auditorium

12:25 - 13:15
(50 mins)
Room: Terrace Room 613





Session 4
13:15 - 13:55
(40 mins)

Session 4A

Addressing the challenge of rater bias in speaking and writing assessments using many-facet Rasch analysis

Stephen Walker

Video - Full Presentation

Video - Meet the Presenter

Session 4B

Rubric Reiterations

John Gardiner & Tony Hickey
CET University of Sydney

Download Presentation

Video - Meet the Presenter

Session 4C

Transformations in UOW College's Assessment Tasks

Ragni Prasad
UOW College

Download Presentation

Session 5
14:00 - 14:40
(40 mins)

Session 5A

The use of many-facet rasch analysis in improving rater reliability in rating writing assessments

Dr Phuong Tran
Monash University

Download Presentation

Session 5B

Increasing student assessment satisfaction

Nina Ginsberg Griffith University

Download Presentation

Video - Meet the Presenter

Session 5C

Bridging the gap: academics and language teachers collaborate to assess productive language skills

Susan Gollagher & Jessica Florent

Video - Meet the Presenter

Session 6
14:45 - 15:45
(60 mins)

Featured Speaker – Professor Barry O’Sullivan
Head of Assessment Research and Development at the British Council

Aligning EAP Tests to the CEFR
How hard can it be?
Live ZOOM Presentation with Q&A

Video - Full Presentation

Room: 212 Auditorium

15:45 - 16:00
(60 mins)

Closing Remarks

Ana Bratkovic
General Manager, NEAS

16:00 - 17:00
(60 mins)

Social Event

Room: Terrace Room 613


Day 2: Sunday, 14 July – Item Writer Workshop Sold Out

Designing Test Items to assess Reading Skills


Location: Room 217

We are pleased to announce an exciting opportunity for a limited number of participants to attend an Item Writer Workshop conducted by Pauline Cullen. Pauline is freelance professional test writer, item writer trainer and author.

Pauline Cullen is a freelance professional test writer and item writer trainer with over twenty years’ experience in writing materials for high stakes exams including IELTS, CAE and CPE in Australia and the UK. She has led item writing teams to produce quality test items by providing team members with meaningful feedback on their work.

Pauline is also the successful author of a range of test preparation books including the Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS and two Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS books. In recent years, Pauline has developed her own IELTS Vocabulary teaching apps, e-books and a weekly online magazine.

This is a practical, hands on, item writer training workshop presented by a skilful and experienced test writer and item writer trainer. The workshops are from either 9:00am - 12:00pm (morning session) OR 2:00pm - 5:00pm (afternoon session) but some preparation is required prior to attending the workshops.

Pre-workshop Preparation Tasks

- Signed-up participants will be sent a text to be used in developing an assessment at a specified level (e.g. B2) for a specific purpose (e.g. proficiency testing)
- Participants also receive guidance on specific task types to use
- Participants then develop their own test items for the text and submit them by a specified date to the presenter who will use the participants own work (anonymously) as input for the workshop


The workshop will aim to address questions such as the following:

- Why was this text chosen? What makes it suitable for use in this test?
- What edits needed to be made to the original text before using it in this session?
- Which participant produced items are working well?
- Why is this?
- What processing of text is required to successfully answer these items?
- Which participant produced items are not working well?
- Why?
- Can they be re-written so that they do work?
- What generalisations about writing specific item types can we make?
- Time for participants to have a go at writing/editing additional items and giving each other feedback

Event Location


Date: Saturday, 13 July 2019 - Sunday, 14 July 2019

Place: The University of Queensland's Institute of Continuing & TESOL Education (ICTE)


Participants planning to attend the event please note the following budget university campus accommodation options:

- Single bedroom with shared bathroom inclusive of breakfast - from $80 per night
- Single bedroom with private en-suite inclusive of breakfast - from $95 per night

- St Johns
- Women's
- Emmanuel

Accommodation bookings are directly through these links and not provided by UECA or The University of Queensland's Institute of Continuing & TESOL Education (ICTE).


Assessment Symposium
Brisbane, 13 - 14 July 2019

Proudly sponsored by:


