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The Force Awakens - Empowering Students and Teachers
PD Fest, Sydney, 14 May 2016

University English Language Centres of Australia (UECA) and UNSW Institute of Languages, in celebration of its 50th anniversary, present PD Fest Sydney 2016.

This full day of professional development includes opening and closing keynotes, three streams of 45-minute workshops, exhibitor space, lunch, networking opportunities and an early evening social event.

The theme of the PD Fest, The Force Awakens – Empowering students and teachers, is aimed at providing professional development for teachers by teachers at UECA and EA member institutions. Workshops are presented in three streams – Empowering students, Research for learning and teaching and Cultural factors in teaching and learning.

UECA holds 2 PD Fests per year.
NEAS is proud to be the Principal Sponsor of these PD Fests.


Watch the Plenary

Professor Anne Burns, University of New South Wales
The Source of the force: Empowerment in the language classroom


Date: Saturday, 14 May, 2016

Time: 10.00am – 5.00pm (9.30am Registration)

Place: UNSW Institute of Languages
Kensington, Sydney

Cost: $60 for teachers
Registration: Registrations are limitied to 180 teachers and presenters.



Time Events
9.30 Coffee and Registration
10.00 Welcome
David Larbalestier
President of UECA

10.10 - 11.00 Opening Keynote
Professor Anne Burns, University of New South Wales
The Source of the force: Empowerment in the language classroom

Introduced by Marc Weedon-Newstead
Group Executive Education, UNSW Global (and Chair of English Australia)

11:00 - 11.30 Morning Tea
THEMES Empowering Students
Room W201

Empowering Students
Room W204

Research for Learning and Teaching
Room W301

Cultural Factors in Teaching and Learning
Room W304

11.30 - 12.20
Session 1
Session 1A
Ashley Carmody
(La Trobe Melbourne)

Facebook groups to empower students

Download Presentation - PDF

Session 1B
Empowering Teachers
Aparna Jacob
(CET, University of Sydney)

What getting out of the classroom taught me about teachers

Download Presentation - PDF

Session 1C
Alexandra Garcia
(University of Sydney)

Seeing the glass half-full: Using a learner corpus for development of writing skills

Download Presentation - PDF

Session 1D
Louise Townsin
(Torrens University Australia)

Intercultural competence

Download Presentation - PDF

12.20 - 13.10 Lunch
Sponsored by NEAS

13.10 - 14.00
Session 2
Session 2A
Jock Boyd

Shut up and Write Action research project

Download Presentation - PDF

Session 2B -
(shared session)
Bianka Malecka & James Heath
(UNSW Institute of Languages)

The Feedback Awakens: Enhancing Writing Revision with E-portfolios

Download Presentation - PDF

Debbie Navara
(Insearch UTS)

The Power of Blogging

Download Presentation - PDF

Session 2C
Meredith MacAulay
(UNSW Institute of Languages)

Transition and transfer: Impacts of an EAP direct entry course on students’ discussion skills at university

Session 2D
Paula Dimmell & Sandra Caon-Parsons
(The University of Adelaide's English Language Centre)

Intercultural Competence – the ‘force’ behind Global Citizenship

Download Presentation - PDF

14.10 - 15.00
Session 3
Session 3A
Vicki Dritsas
(RMIT English Worldwide)

Mindfulness - An ELTeaching & Learning toolkit

Download Presentation - PDF

Session 3B
Lesley Speer & Jose Lara
(Macquarie University English Language Centre)

Extensive Listening/Reading program - a three-part model

Download Presentation - PDF

Session 3C
Jennifer Wallace
(Insearch UTS)

Language learning metastrategies for speaking

Download Presentation - PDF

Session 3D
Michelle Ocriciano
(UNSW Institute of Languages)

Pronunciation - Using the Lingua Franca Core as a starting point

Download Presentation - PDF

15.00 - 15.30 Afternoon Tea
15.30 - 16.20
Session 4
Session 4A
Kimberley Masters & Brooke Naylor
(UNSW Institute of Languages)

What is Phonetics? What is Phonology?

Download Presentation - PDF

Session 4B
Louise Pavey
(The University of Newcastle)

Rhythm and Song: Reboot, Re-energise and Revitalise your students

Session 4C
Jessica Tilley
(UNSW Institute of Languages)

Anxiety in the Foreign Language Classroom

Session 4D
Annette Edlin
(University of Wollongong College)

Challenges and strategies for a culturally diverse classroom

16.30 - 17:00 Closing Keynote by Principal Sponsor
Mark Raven
Chief Executive Officer - NEAS

17.00 onwards Networking Event - Drinks
Sponsored by UNSW Global Institute of Languages



The Force Awakens - Empowering Students and Teachers
PD Fest, Sydney, 2016

proudly sponsored by:

ueca sydney sydney
