Professor Lauren Stephenson, Australian Catholic University
Official Opening Address
In this plenary we will explore leading learning and teaching in the TESOL context. We will review the characteristics of a teacher leader and explore best practices in English language teaching. A range of effective strategies to facilitate student learning will be shared including the establishment of an appropriate learning environment, development of sound interaction skills, effective planning and preparation, the use of best practice for assessment, varied teaching strategies that facilitate both individual and collective learning, differentiation of tasks and approaches to meet varied learning needs using a range of interactive content types. Strategies to support teacher professional learning will be suggested with a specific focus on the scholarship of teaching, the role of critical friends, peer observation and mentoring/coaching.
Lauren Stephenson is a Professor of Learning and Teaching at ACU. She holds a PhD in Educational Leadership, MA Applied Linguistics (TESOL), Grad DipEd, DTEFLA and CTEFLA. Lauren is a CELTA tutor and until recently was an approved Cambridge ESOL CELTA assessor. Her research interests include educational leadership, teacher education studies, English language teaching, teacher professional learning, communities of practice, mentoring, curriculum and materials design, and qualitative research approaches including collaborative action research, narrative inquiry and autoethnographic methods.