Luke Alexander, CET
Jessica Blackburn, CET
Aaron Jolly, CET
Creating Engaging Videos for Online and Blended Learning
This session draws on the presenters' experience as learning designers and content creators for both online and blended learning environments. It will examine how to produce videos to meet pedagogical goals in different contexts, and how different kinds of videos can be used to address varying purposes. The session will include all parts of the production process, from scripting and storyboarding videos, through to production and post-production using various set-ups and programs, and finally issues around hosting videos and incorporating them into courses.
This session will have 3 presenters. Luke Alexander and Jessica Blackburn are MOOC Learning Designers at CET, and they are both part of the CET Online team responsible for the 'Academic Skills for University Success’ series of MOOCs on Coursera. Aaron Jolly is a Direct Entry course LMS designer at CET, along with being a teacher and materials writer.