Antony Tibbs
Go beyond Google Docs: Using Google Suite to create engaging, paperless lessons

A lot of us know and love Gmail, Drive and Docs, but there is so much more to Google for education. In this presentation, you will see how easy it is to take your Google skills to the next level. You will get tips and best practices for using a range of Google apps to make your blended lessons more interactive, engaging, paperless and sharable.

First, you will see a variety of tried-and-tested activities that take advantage of lesser-known features in Google apps, from interactive Slide Presentations to creative uses for Google Forms. You will also get the lowdown on Sharing and advice on how to keep your Google content organised.

Once you have seen some examples of the exciting potential of lessons created with Google, you will discuss ways to apply these tools and ideas to your teaching context. Finally, you will leave with a list of recommendations of useful online resources where you can continue learning about Google Suite for education.

Antony started teaching English in 2007 and has worked in the U.K, Russia, Georgia and Australia teaching general and academic English language courses. He now works at Monash College. He recently completed an MA in Applied Linguistics at Melbourne University specialising in Language Learning Technology. He is a Google Certified Educator. He is interested in finding exciting and meaningful ways to use technology to engage learners and improve the learning experience.