Andrea Rivett
Supportive error correction through the application of a success code

Providing solutions to student problems is a key aspect of learning and teaching. Teachers are expected to provide guidance, and students expect to receive it. These expectations can be time-consuming for the teacher and may lead to feedback for feedback’s sake. This project investigates teacher reflections of their comments to students and whether they align to the learning outcomes, correction codes or individual student needs. The project explores how a success code can be implemented as a positive learning tool.

Andrea has extensive experience teaching language and literacy programs within ELICOS, higher education and vocational settings as well as TESOL teacher-education courses. During this time, she has also assisted students, academics, and industry on integrating language and literacy into accredited courses and the workplace.

Andrea has presented at national and international education conferences on how to develop and encourage professional development within the modern workplace. Andrea is a current PhD candidate with a focus on increasing graduate literacy to improve outcomes and expectations between tertiary institutions and industry.