Evelyn Ciocco
Never be Nervous Again

Public Speaking remains the number one fear for most people. We can help students overcome this fear with a fun, positive and professional approach that will stay with them a lifetime. This workshop will demonstrate how to use this simple but powerful approach to eliminating stress and anxiety when giving a presentation or speaking in front of a group. Once the stress and anxiety are eliminated, the student can focus more fully on the research and subject matter of the presentation.

Most students in AEP courses are preparing for a professional career. The university courses usually include some formal presentations and certainly their careers will require public speaking and presentations. This training is a lifetime skill based on research and practice by Jerry Weissman and Bill Hoegterp. It is efficient and professional and can easily be implemented into classroom lessons.

This is not information on how to structure a presentation but, rather, how to have the poise and confidence to deliver information in front of an audience. It addresses body language, voice, pronunciation, gestures, eye contact, pauses and other techniques used by good presenters. The lessons are easy, enjoyable and effective. A dividend to this programme is that it gives participants a morale and confidence boost. Interestingly, it also improves listening skills.

The skills are practised in a group, and peer assessment and encouragement play a critical role in the programme’s success. This workshop will be interactive with audience participation.

Evelyn holds a Master's Degree and has been teaching General English and English for Academic Purposes for over ten years. She has conducted staff development sessions on various topics including Strategies for Teaching Vocabulary and Scaffolding Writing from Sentence Level and Beyond. Her current interest is enabling students to give quality presentations without stress and anxiety. Evelyn has international experience.