Session 3B
Title: The Smart Campus: Personal Learning Environments – MULD More Upload Less Download

With the proliferation of students using digital devices, the idea of a smart campus is increasing in significance, especially in view of student engagement, learning and retention. We explore different pedagogical approaches for using technologies entrenched in physical environments (Bricks) to support connected learning in online spaces (Clicks) to create a smart campus and how technology is influencing the ESL learning space. Our primary focus is on mobile technologies including locative media, social media and apps and we explore the idea of MULD (More Upload Less Download), which we believe is at the heart of learning.

Jock Boyd’s creative yet focused approach to language teaching is most apparent in his skills to design, plan and facilitate exciting Moodle sessions for students which stimulate creative and innovative thinking and encourages students to take ownership of their own process and journey through their learning. Jock’s focus is always on the experience of the individual and the group, and the value that they get from it. Jock uses his innovative and creative skills in doing this and his knowledge of appreciative inquiry to successfully engage students.

Specialties: E-learning, content management, networking, editing, project management, teaching,