Session 1A
Title: Put Your Creative Hat On!

• Reflect on one’s own assumptions about creativity
• Gain an understanding of habits that can help foster creativity in one’s daily routine
• Experiment with different techniques to stimulate your creativity in relation to curriculum design or classroom practice

Overview: The workshop will offer teachers the opportunity to reflect on their own ideas about creativity. The neurological underpinnings of creativity will be briefly presented alongside habits that can help the brain get into a creative state. The workshop will conclude with a discussion of techniques directed at teachers who aim to develop creative classroom curriculum or simply revamp their teaching practice.

Georgi Toma has worked as an ESL teacher and trainer of communication skills and intercultural competence in New York, Barcelona and Sydney since 2005. She is currently lecturing on a unit of study of TESOL methodology and practice, developing intercultural communication and research skills workshops and teaching Academic English at Sydney University’s Centre for English Teaching (CET).

Georgi is passionate about education and creative curriculum design. She is actively following and embedding the latest research on learning, creativity and cognitive neuroscience in her own teaching practice and in the design and content of the teaching material she develops.