Session 1C
Title: Is that an academic wordlist in your pocket? Engaging learners with mLearning, Quizlet® and QR Codes
Often in the ESL classroom, students' electronic devices are seen as a hindrance to learning, a distraction and an annoyance to ESL teachers who themselves may prefer traditional direct instructional modes. Unfortunately, this can result in a fair amount of learner disengagement. Typically, the use of personal devices affords students' ownership of learning, which leads to positive language learning experiences (Kukulska-Hulme, 2009). A lot of traditional teaching methodology therefore tends to disengage a fair proportion of English language learners. These learners see themselves as part of a digital community who use mobile devices as an everyday tool for multiple purposes. I would like to show in this workshop how a content area (academic word lists) can be taught using students' mobile devices and the Quizlet ® app. Quizlet ® enables teachers and learners to create their own digital classes and vocabulary sets. Initially, I will show workshop participants how to set up academic word lists in Quizlet ®. Then I will demonstrate how to create QR codes for these lists. Finally I will give examples of how these codes can be embedded in paper and electronic resources to give students Guided Independent Learning (GIL). I will also show workshop participants how learners at an EAP Direct Entry and Advanced level have created and shared their own vocabulary sets using the Quizlet ® app.
Kukulska-Hulme, A. (2009). Will mobile learning change language learning? European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning, 21(2), 157–165. Retrieved from
Darren Brookes is the eLearning and Multimedia Coordinator for English Language Programs (ELP) at QUT International College in Brisbane. This is an academic leadership role, which encourages and supports college staff in the use of e-learning, m-learning and multimedia. He has presented at English Australia PD Fest days in Brisbane and presented at the UECa PD Fest at University of Technology Sydney (UTS) in May 2013. He also co-presented at the 2011 Cambodia TESOL conference in Phnom Penh with Dr Sally Ashton-Hay of Southern Cross University on learner strategies. He is presenting again at Cambodia TESOL 2014 on paper based and electronic feedback methods to both engage learners and to improve teacher quality through reflection on learners’ needs. Darren is also mentoring this year’s Cambodia TESOL Regional Research Grant recipients. Darren holds a Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics, majoring in Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) from the University of Queensland and has experience as a teacher, teacher trainer, project manager and co-ordinator.