Session 5B
Bonnie Cothren - IELI
Intermediate Reading: Where are we going, and how will we know when we have arrived?
Reading is at the heart of academic success, but teaching ESL reading can be frustrating especially when students do not have a strong reading background in their own language. This workshop will focus on the intermediate levels as filling the gap between the reading skills normally taught at elementary levels and those required for success in the upper levels of academic programs is extremely challenging. Textbooks often muddy the waters by focusing too closely on grammar (in older texts) or vocabulary (newer texts), and neglecting the metacognitive skills required for efficient reading. This workshop will encourage participants to consider the goals they have for intermediate to upper intermediate level readers. Participants will also look at methods for evaluating and adapting readings and textbook exercises to ensure that the reading lesson is meeting the set goals. Finally, participants will look at formative assessment measures to assess the students’ use of reading attack skills.
Bio data:
Bonnie Cothren has been teaching ESL reading for over 30 years and is still fascinated by the “black box” challenge of teaching reading skills and enjoys involving students in the process of evaluating their own cognitive processes when engaged in the process of reading.