Jarrod Tebb, Swinburne
Course reflective listening assessments

Although there are certain types of test questions that are widely accepted by students and teachers, there is always pressure on centres to ensure the validity of their assessments. Swinburne’s approach is to identify and then develop the listening skills that are essential to the completion of our tests, focussing on building these bottom-up linguistic skills in class.

Based on the assumption that centres already have listening tests and a curriculum, this presentation will focus on practical ways that the tests that they are currently using can be analysed, and simple activities can be introduced that can be used in class to better prepare students for success. We will also help to identify ways that centres can demonstrate that their listening assessments are in fact supported by the curriculum that they use.

Attendees will be able to: analyse test items, identify the skills required to answer certain test items, suggest activities that can be used in class to better support students to answer test items and discuss the relative benefits of using particular test items. Sample activities will be provided.

Jarrod has worked as an English teacher, curriculum and test designer, EAP Course Coordinator and IELTS examiner for many years. He has a great deal of interest in psycholinguistics and how this relates to the design of curriculum and assessment. He is currently working on a project to better incorporate development of segmental elements of speech and bottom-up processing in the curriculum.